When G-d starts to create the world, He begins with His mission statement," Let there be light!', and the Torah tells us "There was light!"
Well things haven't really changed much since that beginning way back when, that is still the intention, "Let there be Light!"
In this weeks Torah reading we are told how Moshe needs to command the Bnei Yisroel to obtain clear olive oil so that the Kohanim could light up the menorah.
*"Olive Oil allegorically represents a profound secret: Light emanates from physical matter. When physical matter is probed and beaten like an olive, it reveals a deeper dimension of energy and light. The Zohar teachers that all mater is simply different degrees of " thickened light" , What is true of olive oil is in effect true of all physical reality... Einstein's theory of relativity and other modern scientific revelations about energy and light have confirmed that matter is quite literally energy."
Moshiach's task will be to show the world, as a master educator, that there really is a union between the physical and spiritual worlds, they are both really part of the unity of the Oneness of all things..."humanity will then realize that reality , including the reality of all of us, is none other than the light of G-d.
The Menorah symbolizes G-d's infinite light and humanity's role in revealing that light in all places and at all times."
In being commanded to light the Menorah, the Priests, represented us in creating an illuminating light.
Now there is no Temple in Jerusalem, there is no Mishkan in the desert, but there are our own very real lives, with the mission remaining the same...." Let there be Light! Now we have to be the priests, lighting up the inner and outer Menorahs...illuminating our world... seeing the G-dliness in others, seeing the underlining unity between all things, revealing the light wherever is may be hiding...!
Shabat Shalom!
* With thanks to Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman: Orchard of Delights
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