It seems that the Torah is not, to quote Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman " man's book for G-d, but rather G-d's book for mankind; its not hard for G-d to make a home for humanity, what is hard is for us to make a home for G-d".
Hashem tells the Jews to build a Mishkan, a physical construct where G-d's holy presence will be revealed... and then instead of saying that He will dwell in that construct, He says... so that I may dwell in all of you! In an English rendition of the Hebrew the verse states" Asu Li Mikdash, Veshachanti Betocham- Build for me a Temple, so that I may dwell in them". Chassidus explains that one of the intentions of this interesting grammar is that Hashem intends for all of us to become a Mishkan... a Temple of sorts to reveal his Oneness.
The Torah explains that there are 13* main materials used in the Temple's construction: gold, copper, silver, skins etc...the numerical value of the word ONE in hebrew is 13..., the numerical value of the word for LOVE in hebrew is also 13. The purpose of the Mishkan, and later the Temples in Jerusalem ,was to reveal the essential ONENESS of all of creation.
The way in which the Jews could bring down His Presence into that construct, was for them to show love to one another and achieve a unity amongst themselves. G-d did not give the Torah until the people stood at Har Sinai "k'ish echad belev echad"(Rashi 19:12). "Like one man with one heart".
As it is down here so it is above, and as it is above, so it will be manifest down here..... In order to bring about a new reality, a new consciousness, which is being talked about by so many in so many cultures and so many circles, from New Age to very Old Age; (actualized by the arrival of Moshiach and the descent of the third Bais ha Mikdash/Temple .... ) we need to live in to our potentials to truly manifest the truth of who we really are , which is as the Tanya tells us 'a Chelek Elokei mi mal mamesh", which in English translates into " an actual Portion of G-d above , for real, no kidding!!
Being that the essence of who we really are is a Portion of G-d, and that G-d is One; and that G-d created the world to be a garden in which He could reveal Himself and His essential makes sense that the scientists are realizing... that pretty much everything is an extension of that Oneness... its all connected and all of physical reality is really according to the latest discoveries in Quantum physics just energy and light...(which disappears when it is not observed.. so Creation depends on a great "Observer") which sounds pretty much like G-d to me.... Energy and Light with Intension!
So why so much detail describing how to build a Mishkan? Because its all about what we do down here.... how we utilize the materials of the physical world, how we construct our reality... to do what is our essential purpose.... revealing the essential reality underlining all of creation...
So lets start with each other.... we are all connected, and as I close the gaps between me and you, and you close the gaps between you and those around you.... we can once again stand "K'ish echad belev echad" " "like one person with one heart" and we can bring down a higher more revealed reality where G-d's ONEness in no longer hidden.
Happy Building!
Shabbat Shalom!
In love and light,
*The 13 materials
1) Gold
2) Silver
3) Copper
4) Dyed Wool -
5) Linen - Sheish,
6) Goat Hair - Izim,
7-8) Ram and Tachash skins - Oros Eilim and Oros T'chashim,
9) Acacia Wood - Atzei Shitim
10) Olive Oil - Shemen L'maor
11) Aromatic Herbs - Besamim
12-13) Precious Stones - Avnei shoham and Avnei Miluim
3) Copper
4) Dyed Wool -
5) Linen - Sheish,
6) Goat Hair - Izim,
7-8) Ram and Tachash skins - Oros Eilim and Oros T'chashim,
9) Acacia Wood - Atzei Shitim
10) Olive Oil - Shemen L'maor
11) Aromatic Herbs - Besamim
12-13) Precious Stones - Avnei shoham and Avnei Miluim