Thursday, January 9, 2014

Being ready for the shift.... getting out of exile, plagues and the bread of faith.

Our sages teach that when a person is ready to leave this world, the separation of the soul from the body of a righteous person, is like pulling  a strand of hair our of milk, whereas the separation of a soul from the body of a person who is not evolved or who is very gross, is like trying to extract a ball of raw cotton from a thorn bush. One can view all of the plagues in Egypt as a means to loosen the hold of the physical world,...or at least to impart the lesson that the physical world was under the leadership of an all powerful G-d! A G-d who could over- ride the rules of nature. Once the Jews left Egypt, they had to constantly over come material and rational considerations to get across the Red Sea and open themselves to  functioning in less rational and material ways, for example eating a very unusual substance... the mann, something that linked heaven and earth in a very unusual way. The people complained, resisted and wanted to go back to what was familiar.... but the path towards redemption was already taken... they had to evolve and get used to new things.

We are facing a radical shift in our own world too...all spiritual traditions teach of a change towards a new consciousness that we are already on the path towards... the Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke about it many years ago and now every new age guru and coach incorporates this as a basic and fundamental idea... we are going through a shift and a change to a new, less physical way of being, a level of functioning on a higher vibrational frequency... and we need to be ready to be less attached to that which we knew and to that which is very material.... buildings have crumbled, entire villages and towns have been washed away, fortunes have been lost overnight... but what stays are spiritual values, care for others and the value of relationship. We have an exodus all over again happening right now.... from a male dominated culture of ambition, force and greed, to a new consciousness that has at its core the values of the feminine, co-operation, harmony and community. We are moving into new ways of being, what will nurture us wont necessarily be what we always dreamed would make us happy.... we need to   go with the flow... without resistance,  we need to be ready to jump into the "Red Seas" in front of us... challenges that will reveal our deepest soul purpose, if we embrace trust in our deeper selves, trust in our intuition, trust in Hashem and our soul power... those seas will split, revealing more of our strength and potential and our individuality and capacity to serve our communities with love and authenticity and then we will be able to move towards our own lands flowing with milk and honey.... The blueprint has it all laid out...we just need to know how to read between the lines...

Happy eating of the holy bread...
Opening our basket to what G-d has to offer and being grateful, is allowing abundance into our lives....
the verses on the mannah are a true guide on how to cultivate trust and gratitude.... take what you need and no more, and don't approach the future with fear, there will be more and you will be nourished, so relax and enjoy being in the moment....

Hope you enjoyed reading these brief insights and comments on this weeks Torah reading...
please let me know if you have any comments, observations or insights...
lets have a conversation!


  1. Very inspiring ideas and wonderful imagery...I found it helpful to get me into the energy of the parsha.
    I have questions about the inyan of moving away from the physical. I thought that by doing mitzvoth here in the physical world, we are supposed to elevate it and reveal its essential G-dliness, not sublimate or ignore the material. My understanding is that, according to the Ramban, who Chabad holds by here, the physical will be nourishing the spiritual, which, according to the Rebbe, is why we have to take care of our physical bodies, etc. "With my flesh I will see G-d" I believe refers to the time of Moshiach when our very bodies will experience G-dliness. I understand that Egypt was immersed in materialism and venerated the physical, and the Yidden were in danger of being caught up in that, but is our exodus a parting from that really? Or is it a breaking through the boundaries and limitations of the physical to release the G-dliness within??

  2. I think it's about not being stuck in the physical... Not being stuck in material reality... And being open to the fact that it can change at any moment.. And not being attached.. And using the physical as a tool to reveal g- dliness but not getting into it as a thing unto itself..
