Tuesday, June 23, 2015

News Brief introducing Tiferet Movement to the general public

News Brief:

New Yoga Studio opens in New Hempstead
Tiferet Movement:
Yoga with a  Kabbalistic Twist!

When people think about yoga they often think about wonderful body strengthening stretches and poses and a spiritual tradition that involves chanting in Sanskrit and perhaps practicing in a studio with icons and smells of incense.

Bracha Meshchaninov a religiously observant Orthodox Jewish yogini wants to change that. Bracha has created a studio in the New Hempstead area where women can practice yoga in an environment that feels comfortable from both a physical, as well as a spiritual point of view. Classes are for women only, chants are in Hebrew and culled from the Jewish prayer liturgy and the spiritual insights shared are gleaned from a Kabbalistic rather than a Vedic source.

Bracha, who became observant as a teenager and has been practicing yoga since about the same time she made her commitment to Orthodox Judaism,  has both her 500 hr and Yoga Therapy certifications. Bracha offers both ongoing classes and 1:1 Yoga Therapy.

Before focusing on her Yoga training and teaching, Bracha’s  focus was mostly on teaching  Jewish Spirituality classes, based on the weekly Torah reading, (which she continues to teach) and hosting Rosh Chodesh events.

Bracha received her certifications from Gail Walsh of Yoga Mountain and has done additional training with Paula Heitzner of the Nyack Yoga Center.Bracha is tremendously grateful to the whole teaching staff at Yoga Mountain and to Paula.

For more info  check out www.tiferetmovement.com
or call: 917 821-0694

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