Its coming up to the 20th anniversary of the passing from this physical world of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe. In the past few weeks three biographies of the Rebbe have been published, and of the two that I have already read, by both of the author's own admissions, ( Chaim Miller and Adin Steinsaltz) and from my own impressions of what has been written, the biographies can only give testimony to a small percentage of the Rebbe's amazing contribution, presence and mystique. Of course I am so very grateful to the authors, and intend to read the third biography by Joseph Telushkin as soon as possible, but the Rebbe was so very large, it is difficult to capture him in a book. Chaim Miller admits this in his introduction, and cites this as the reason that so many years have past without any biography being written, but never the less I would highly recommend both books to any one interested in catching a glimpse of the very real and very human greatness of the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe.
From my readings it is clear that the Rebbe had an amazing memory, was a real genius, loved learning about almost everything particularly Torah, Mysticism, Chassidus , Mathematics and Astronomy and was passionate in his dedication to Hashem, the Jewish People and the land of Israel. He also cared deeply for every single human being on the planet! He was deeply intuitive and had some psychic or mystical abilities that neither of the authors elaborate too much upon. He was incredibly focused and clear about what his mission in the world was... to carry out the goal of the Freddiker (Previous) Rebbe, which was to strengthen Judaism, spread the light and wisdom of Torah and bring Moshiach! The Rebbe extended the Freddiker Rebbe's vision to include spreading the wisdom of the Torah to all of humanity in every corner of the globe. He created programs to engage the elderly, young children, unaffiliated college students, drug addicts, soldiers, wounded soldiers , people with disabilities and the regular secular and assimilating Jew in the comfortable modern world, and he emphasized the crucial importance of women in the spiritual reality of the family and the nation! Wow.... thats a lot!
What makes all of the above even more interesting is that the Rebbe was really an introvert by nature and did not want to become the Rebbe at all ! He stepped up to the plate when it became clear that he needed to do it for the sake of Lubavitch and for the sake of the Chassidim and Chassidus... and then he never wavered! The Rebbe was such an awesome example of unwavering and clear sighted focus... his vision was razor sharp.. he was crystal clear on the difference between what is truth and what is political expediency, what is halachah and what is a "kop-out", what is the right way for a Jew to behave and what is a sell-out... the Rebbe never supported expedient compromise..and he hated the fact that the government of Israel traded land for empty promises of a fake peace... oh well, so much for that!
The Rebbe outlined a very clear program of how we need to continue the mission in his physical absence, there is so much written and digital footage recorded explaining exactly what we need to emphasize... we need to stay focused, in our love of the "other" and our fellow and utilize our own unique talents and personalities to illuminate and spread the wisdom of Torah, not just to our fellow Jews, but to our fellow humans... truly be an "Ohr La-Goyim", a light unto the nations, and in so doing, may we be worthy to truly see the light of Redemption and the Revelation of the Moshiach/ the true redeemer in our times!!
And by the way, if you haven't yet read one of those biographies.... go out and get hold of at least one... as I said, I haven't yet read all three, but i loved Chaim Miller's
Turning Judaism Outward!...
Have a meaningful Gimmel inspired and then do something positive!!
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