Thursday, December 19, 2013

Beginning the Book of Shmot or Exodus.. dealing with Exile and Redemption

So as we have learnt, the Exodus in Egypt is a prototype for all exiles and the word  for Egypt in Hebrew 'Mitzriyim" is connected to  the hebrew word "Maytzarim" meaning constriction and limitation.
What choice to we play in keeping ourselves in a constricted place?
The world is moving at a rapid rate towards something new and different. Thank G-d the Lubavitcher Rebbe shared with the world that this is a movement towards something good and that rather than fight and fear the changes... we can and must embrace them, and further more we should employ our efforts to facilitate the change. The Rebbe spoke in terms of Redemption and much of his leadership was focused on empowering us to assist in ushering in an "Era of Redemption". Well that era is coming.. and many people are aware of the shifts going on all around us, but even before the "Great Change"... we need to make the minor shifts within ourselves bringing us closer to our own inner liberation... namely when we are feeling a negative emotion.... to get connected to the concept that "its a choice" to hold on to that feeling.... maybe we can let it go. When we feel bound and oppressed by our own "back breaking labor" and we are feeling enslaved by drudgery, maybe we can turn our chore into a dance by putting on music, moving in sync to our breath and employing mindfulness techniques to get into a place of being at one with our action.....then in a small way... we have remembered to connect to our inner selves... and we are that much further away from the 'forgetting' that was such a part of the Egyption Exile. Paroah did not want us to remember ' Zachor' in Hebrew, our inner Divine Light... thats why he try to drown the males , "Zachar" in the Nile... We need to remember ourselves and our essential purpose.... to link our physical lives with spiritual consciousness and be in the world, connected to our own inner essence and to G-d, being  in a state of joy!
Not such a tall order....

Website has launched... ahead of schedule!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Audio Recordings

I believe I have got it! Finally after quite a bit of trying!
Hopefully the Torah classes will be available to listen to on the website,
Hope you enjoy!

From my dear friend Sara Malka Millstein!

From The Secret Daily Teachings
Change in a country begins with one person. Each country reflects the inner peace or turmoil of its mass population, and so as one person changes they affect the rest of the population. One person has the power within them to bring massive change to their country through immense love and peace within themselves. But we cannot bring about peace and well-being to our country unless we have conquered that in our own life. Do you see? You cannot give what you do not have.
Each person's job is to bring utter harmony into their own life, and then they will become the greatest human gift for their country and the world.
May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

Sunday, December 15, 2013

My first imported post, from my dear friend and teacher Janet Vignola

“The greatest discovery and development of the coming years will be along spiritual lines.
Here is a force which history clearly teaches has been the greatest power in the development of man and history,
and yet we have been merely playing with it and have never seriously studied it as we have physical forces.
Some day people will learn that material things do not bring happiness and are of little use in making men and women creative and powerful.
Then the scientists of the world will turn their laboratories over to the study of the spiritual forces.
When this day comes, the world will see more advancement in one generation than it has in the past four.”
Charles Proteus Steinmetz, (excerpted from E-Squared), Pam Grout

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Gearing up to launch the website...

Have made a date to launch the new web site... basically hoping for the first week in Jan  2014...!!

Really am hoping the blog and website can be a forum for a sharing of ideas and a communal conversation.... of course it all takes time and effort... but that is the goal!
The next step will be getting the word out!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

blog address

Website and Blog page

Hi, i guess for the blog part to work on the website, i am supposed to give you the blog address, that way you can post comments on the blog page and it will show up under blog on the website;
So lets try it, blog address is

Lets see how that goes!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Opening The Wellsprings

So excited to start presenting an open forum for Enlightened Torah.. would love your contributions.
Please feel free to comment and add poems , stories and inspiring moments.

New Website

Working on my new website:
you can find me at
how exciting